August Newsletter
Already half-way through August! We apologize for not getting this post out earlier in the month.
As summer draws to a close, San Diego WWME is anticipating the September 13-15 Weekend Experience that will be held at St. Charles Retreat Center in Imperial Beach. More couples and/or priests are needed to make this Weekend a solid “go,” so please invite!
If you haven’t seen an advertisement in your church bulletin, consider submitting one! Parishes are more likely to be open to advertising our WWME San Diego Experiences if the suggestion comes from a parishioner. Here is a suggested post for the September Experience that can be submitted to your parish.
Also, please consider setting the September Weekend aside to be a prayer couple. Not sure what it takes to be a prayer couple? Check out this page.
Next weekend the Northwest and North Valley Communities will be gathering for their Annual Bocce Ball Family Picnic! This year especially, we honor the memory of Caroline Dooley who originated this event with her husband Paul. The event will be held at Alga Norte Community Park in Carlsbad on Saturday, August 24. If you would like more information about attending, please submit the contact form on this site.
Don’t forget to save the date for the Sunset Dialogue at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas on Saturday, October 5th!
Finally, and as always, we encourage you to continue your dialogue journey. Questions for the month have been posted on this site. Happy 10 and 10!