Dialogue Questions!

HDIFAMA : How do I feel about my answer?
HDIFAT: How do I feel about that/this?
HDIFSTWY: How do I feel sharing this with you?
HDIF(A): How do I feel (about)
DILD: Describe (feeling) in loving detail

April 1: Today is National Fun Day. HDIFAT?

April 2: How did we have fun together when we were dating? HDIFAMA?

April 3: When I met you was it love at first sight, or did we have a less-direct route to falling in love? HDIFSTWY

April 4: Spring is the time for love. Which of our habits as young lovers have we continued from our dating days. HDIFAT?

April 5: When it is spring, what is it that I first notice outside in nature? HDIFAMA?

April 6: From William Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”: “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” What do I think of this statement? HDIFAMA?

April 7 Read 1 John 5:1-6. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading? DILD

April 8: 1 John 5:3 says, “For the love of God is this, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.” What is an example of this for me? HDIFAMA?

April 9: Having a spouse is sometimes referred to as a “ball and chain.” HDIFA this trope?

April 10: It’s “hump day.” HDIFAT?

April 11: Today is National Pet Day. Thinking back over my life, what pet has had the biggest impact on me or inspires the most memories in me? HDIFAMA?

April 12: HDIF when I see someone with their pet dog in a store?

April 13: Symbols of faith can be a reminder of our faith. With what symbols do I surround myself each day? HDIFAMA?

April 14: Read Luke 24:35-48. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading? DILD

April 15: Since COVID, the sign of peace at Mass has changed from shaking hands universally to just smiling and nodding at each other. HDIFAT?

April 16: Church is a place for all to gather. When I go there, do I open myself up to interactions with others or do I keep to my own space? HDIFAMA?

April 17: We are called to see Christ in all whom we meet. When do I find this difficult? HDIFAMA?

April 18: Is there a ministry at church that I have felt called to recently? HDIFSTWY?

April 19: HDIFA the way we pray together as a couple?

April 20: Today is Husband Appreciation Day. How do I show you my appreciate as my husband? OR How do you show me that you appreciate me as your husband? HDIFAMA?

April 21: Read 1 John 3:1-2. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading? DILD

April 22: Do I believe that God has a purpose for me in my life? HDIFAMA?

April 23: Do I believe that God has a purpose for our marriage as Sacrament? HDIFAMA?

April 24: What married couple either locally, in my family, or in the media has had an impact on the way I treat you in our relationship? HDIFAT?

April 25: Teri Garr said, “When you hear the word ‘disabled,’ people immediately think about people who can’t walk or talk or do everything that people take for granted. Now, I take nothing for granted. But I find that real disability is people who can’t find joy in life and are bitter. HDIFAT?

April 26: Are we in the stage of Disillusionment, Romance or Joy? HDIFAT?

April 27: Tonight is the Sweetheart Dance! HDIFAT?

April 28: Read Acts 9:26-31. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading? DILD

April 29: Have I ever experienced God pushing back at me when I’m trying to move forward in t a direction? HDIFAMA?

April 30: “Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth”: HDIFA this statement?