Dialogue Questions!

HDIFAMA : How do I feel about my answer?
HDIFAT: How do I feel about that/this?
HDIFSTWY: How do I feel sharing this with you?
HDIF(A): How do I feel (about)
DILD: Describe (feeling) in loving detail

December 31: What has been my greatest joy during 2024? HDIFAMA?

January 1: What is my New Years’ Resolution for 2025? HDIFAMA?

January 2: Telling others what my New Years’ Resolution is may help make me more accountable. HDIFA sharing my New Years’ Resolution with others?

January 3: What is my greatest hope for the coming year? HDIFSTWY?

January 4: Today is the feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton who said, “Oh my God, forgive what I have been, correct what I am, and direct what I shall be.” HDIFA this prayer?

January 5: Read Ephesians 3:2-3a,5-6. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading? DILD.

January 6: The magi from the east knelt in the presence of the baby Jesus and did him homage, bringing him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Do I appreciate my weekly opportunity to kneel in the presence of Jesus and do him homage at Mass for what it is, or am I just going through the motions? HDIFAMA?

January 7: What is my favorite part of Sunday Mass? HDIFAMA?

January 8: What do I do during the week for my spiritual maintenance and growth? HDIFAMA?

January 9: HDIFA praying the Rosary?

January 10: HDIFA praying the Divine Chaplet of Mercy?

January 11: HDIFA praying using extemporaneous prayer?

January 12: Read Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading? DILD.

January 13: How are we actively rejecting the secular world’s plan for our marriage? HDIFAMA?

January 14: How have I seen our relationship be life-giving recently? HDIFSTWY?

January 15: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” HDIFA this statement?

January 16: Who has been an example of selflessness in my life? HDIF thinking about him/her now?

January 17: What is a new way, big or small, that I can give back to the community in which I live? HDIFAMA?

January 18: Tomorrow is National Popcorn Day! Let’s go to the movies! If I could watch any movie tonight, what would I choose to watch? HDIFAT?

January 19: Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading? DILD.

January 20: What is a spiritual gift that I recognize in myself? HDIFAMA?

January 21: HDIF when I attend a wedding in a church?

January 22: HDIF when I attend a wedding outside of a church?

January 23: Jesus’ first miracle took place at the wedding feast at Cana when he turned water into wine. HDIFAT?

January 24: How do we invite God into our marriage every day? HDIFSTWY?

January 25: Tomorrow is National Spouses Day, a day when we are reminded to stop and take some time for each other, go on a date, talk, and be romantic. How would I like to celebrate you tomorrow? HDIFSTWY?

January 26: Read Nehemiah 8:8-10. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this passage? DILD.

January 27: How is our communication lately? HDIFSTWY?

January 28: How is our sexual relationship lately? HDIFSTWY?

January 29: How is our couple prayer lately? HDIFSTWY?

January 30: How has our participation in the WWME Community been lately? HDIFSTWY?

January 31: It’s the end of the first month of 2025. How am I doing with my New Years’ Resolution? HDIFAMA?