Dialogue Questions!
HDIFAMA : How do I feel about my answer?
HDIFAT: How do I feel about that/this?
HDIFSTWY: How do I feel sharing this with you?
HDIF(A): How do I feel (about)
DILD: Describe (feeling) in loving detail
March 1: Why do I dialogue with you? HDIFSTWY?
March 2: Read Sirach 27:4-7. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading?
March 3: Have we been dialoguing during our prime-time lately? HDIFAT?
March 4: Lent starts tomorrow. HDIFAT?
March 5: Read Matthew 6:1-6,16-18. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading?
March 6: Today is National Dentists Day. HDIFA going to the dentist as an adult? DFILD.
March 7: HDIFA my diet lately?
March 8: Do I eat to feel full or do I eat to feel satisfied? HDIFAMA?
March 9: Read Romans 10:8-13. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading?
March 10: Yesterday we had to “Spring forward.” HDIFAT today?
March 11: HDIF when I am being pressured to do something I do not want to do?
March 12: HDIF when I have to say ‘no’ to a friend who is asking me for a favor?
March 13: When was a time that I reluctantly said ‘yes’ to something and then really enjoyed or benefited from doing that something? HDIFAT?
March 14: It’s Pi Day! What is my favorite kind of pie to eat? HDIFAMA?
March 15: HDIF when someone thanks me for something I think I could have done better?
March 16: Read Luke 9:28b-36. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading?
March 17: It’s St. Patrick’s Day! Do I make a point of wearing green so I don’t get pinched? HDIFAMA?
March 18: Do I make the choice to be playful? HDIFAMA?
March 19: What is something fun that we do together but haven’t in a while? HDIFSTWY?
March 20: What is the least expensive date we have gone on in the past year? HDIFAT?
March 21: What is the most expensive date we have gone on in the past year? HDIFAT?
March 22: HDIFA our plans for this Saturday evening?
March 23: Read Exodus 3:1-8a,13-15. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading?
March 24: Mass is much more solemn during Lent than it is in any other liturgical season. HDIFAT?
March 25: Lent is about half over. HDIFAT?
March 26: Have I cheated on my Lenten sacrifice so far? HDIFAMA?
March 27: HDIFA abstaining from meat on Fridays?
March 28: HDIFA praying the Stations of the Cross in a group?
March 29: Which of the Stations of the Cross is my favorite to meditate/reflect on? HDIF when I am praying this station?
March 30: Read Ephesians 5:8-14. What is my strongest feeling as I hear this reading?
March 31: “March roars in like a lion and out like a lamb.” How is this true this year? HDIFAMA?