
December Newsletter

Happy Advent and Merry Christmas to all our San Diego Marriage Encounter lovers!

December is a wonderful time to celebrate with family. We are wishing for all the best of the Advent season and Christmas celebrations to all of you. While there is no weekend scheduled during December, there is one shortly into the New Year on January 10 – 12 at Mission San Luis Rey. What better gift to give a couple you know than the gift of an experience? Have them sign up at wwme-sandiego.org now, before the hustle and bustle carry their attention away.

Community meetings in December are generally earlier in the month and always include a Christmas celebration. For those of you new off the past weekend, it is a great time to hop in. Come join your community for their annual Christmas celebration. If you need any help getting in touch with your community, please reach out to us on the online form or call the info line at (760) 659 – 9102 and we will help you out.

Here are the planned community activities for December:

  • Northwest and North Valley combined Christmas celebration will be on Saturday, December 7
  • Northeast and East County combined Christmas celebration will be on Saturday, December 14

Lastly, the best way to keep your relationship at its best through the holidays is to dialogue every day. To help out, we have another list of dialogue questions you can use.